Key documents

Key documents

On this page, you can find the basic documents regulating the relations between InstaTrade and its customers. We strongly recommend that you scrutinize all of them with due care and attention. These documents provide insight into the scope of activity, rights, and obligations of both the brokerage and its customers.
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Main documents

Public Offer Agreement

The document contains the public offer agreement which should be made to open a live trading account with InstaTrade. The agreement lists the rules and conditions which clients should follow to work with InstaTrade.


Partnership agreement

Before you enter into partnership with InstaTrade, you are strongly recommended to read the partnership agreement stipulating the terms of work with InstaTrade.


CPA Agreement

This agreement describes the terms of the CPA (Cost Per Action)


Anti-money laundering policy

To prevent money laundering, organizations performing operations with money are obligated to comply with anti-money laundering laws, verify the identity of clients, and assist government agencies and financial organizations working to combat money laundering.


Cookies Policy

The goal of this document is to define the rules of using cookies file.


Privacy Policy

The document describes the company`s policy on the use and protection of personal data as well as contains information about conditions necessary to open a trading account (provision of personal and financial information by clients).

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InstaTrade services agreements

PAMM Agreement

Before you start working in the PAMM system by InstaTrade, you need to get to know the agreement presented here.



Before you start using the InstaCopy system, please study the agreement presented here.

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