Attempts to block the popular in Russia Telegram messenger were actively discussed by all the Runet in 2018. In addition, it caused street protests. Nevertheless, not only the Russian authorities try to control the national Internet segment. You can read about what countries made the Internet space a part of domestic politics in our article.
Trade routes have developed since ancient times to facilitate cultural exchange, including the development of economic relations, the spread of religious views and innovative ideas. In our photo gallery you will find the main trade routes that shaped the further development of history.
How to reduce the risk of your investment portfolio? The simplest way is diversification. It means the purchase of shares of various companies from several sectors and countries. However, the shares of Aeroflot, Magnit, and several other Russian companies do not at all indicate that you have collected a reliable portfolio. These issuers directly depend on the state of the Russian economy: if the incomes of Russians decrease, then you, as a shareholder, will also earn less. We will tell you how diversification will help to competently assemble an investment portfolio.
Robots are slowly but surely being introduced in the everyday life. According to the International Federation of Robotics, there were 66 installed industrial robots per 10,000 employees globally in 2015. In 2016, their number reached 74 per 10,000 workers. A real revolution of robots is coming.